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We are a small team and we would LOVE to hear how TJbyK has impacted your life - be it simple or momentous, tell us your story!


This is what some of our community are sharing, from their favorite recipes, health stories, how to lead a healthy lifestyle, to how Health and Wellness Coaching programs have impacted their life.

After four heart attacks, I had to rethink my life.

It is not just about eating, you have to know how to eat, it is not saying I am happy, it is feeling that happiness even in the simplest things. This program gave me tools that I can use in many aspects of my daily life and see the results of applying it - I do not deny it - once in a while I ignored my body and it has really revealed itself to me. Without a doubt, if it works for me, surely you will too.


- Lewis

The Reset program is great for discovering other healthy and rich food options; as well as putting our discipline to the test to commit ourselves to a better lifestyle.


- Nathalie

I lost 5 kilos, my back was cleaned and I feel more radiant.

It is very difficult to unlearn bad habits, but the feeling of achieving it is wonderful. Today I feel happier with myself and I know that I can achieve what I set out to do.


- Natalia U.

Transformative programs You will never see food the same way again!


I have realized that you can live well ... changing old eating habits, without suffering from hunger or bingeing.


- Leidy A.

I feel much more energetic and now I sleep much better.

I was suffering from insomnia and right now I am resting much better. As for the physical aspect, I am sure that I will lose weight since they see me and tell me: "What are you doing that makes you look thinner" ... that makes me happier and my body and clothes know it ...


- Yesenia C.

The most noticeable and least expected thing was to lose about 5 kilos, I did not expect it.

I realized how little conscious I am of what my body asks for, how really full of energy I could feel on certain days and how to see my body react badly to foods that I never imagined. I felt healthier, lighter, more in harmony and above all fuller as I enjoyed a stronger connection between my body and mind.


- Ariela S.

I loved this Reset program because it was a different change that I experienced both physically and emotionally.

I saw reactions in my body and what I had previously managed to reduce in 1 month with this program, I achieved in 1 week something excellent for me. You feel your body freer, lighter and the best eating healthy, feeling more energetic and that made my mood rise without neglecting the great support I received from Coach Keren.
I wish everyone could experience this great change because it is really worth it.


- María José M.

I recommend her to everyone I talk to because the results are AMAZING!

Keren's accompaniment and support is SUPER and helps a lot to stay focused on the goal and to better observe the results!


- Andrea R.

Incredible to see how one identifies that YES and NO with respect to what makes you good and bad, it is like deprogramming and learning again, I find it very nice to learn, really. It was a bit removed at the beginning but the truth is that now I want to continue taking care of myself and if I can say that it works perfect! I already recommended it to several people!


- Stephanie S.

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